Wednesday Night Bible Study – 2nd June 1965

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 2nd June 1965

QUESTION: Have you ever gone into this question about the wheels in the first book of Ezekiel?

ANSWER: .We have discussed that in various bible studies. And the Book of Ezekiel is rather hard to understand when they translated it into English because they didn’t understand what it was talking about. The Wheels are flying saucers as we would call them today, space crafts. As they translated it into English they did not understand that what Ezekiel was talking about was moving, pulsing crafts with people in them. They sort of thought there were creatures in them because they moved. Actually it was a description of the same kind of space craft as described by Enoch, and that is found in the Apocalypse of Paul, the kind we see today when we try to focus on them. But you will note that he said a whirlwind came out of the north, and a great cloud, and a fire was enfolding itself, and brightness was about, and out of the mist thereof as the colour of Amber, out of the midst of the fire.