Wednesday Night Bible Study – 1st July

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 1st July

QUESTION: In Revelation, why is the tribe of Dan left out?

ANSWER: Actually, Dan prepared the way in migrations across Europe. The trail of Dan is to be found everywhere. Denmark marks the tribe of Dan. And he is not left out of the Assembly of Marching Israel. Dan was infiltrated, absorbed into lots of the tribes as they came westward. He was over in Anglo-Saxon land as well as in Denmark. But in Revelation both houses of Joseph are named. So if you have two houses of Joseph, then Dan would have made 13.

So they want the number at twelve. So I think it is just a matter of translation. (Levi was to be absorbed into all tribes) Dan is not left out. And anytime anyone tries to cite that Dan was rejected or ejected from the numbering of the tribes of Israel, it is very foolish because no part of the white race has been ejected. None removed. Probably no tribe has more marking of their migrations that Dan does. Of course the marching positions of the great nations which are a part of the descendants of the House of Jacob are still to be found positioned almost exactly as they were found in their encampments and eventually in their provinces set up around Jerusalem. To the East, to the West, North and South, they are almost in the same groupings today as nations.

QUESTION: When will you discuss the displacement factor in the Pyramid?

ANSWER: Not tonight, we will, but we should use charts. There might be some factor, or area of it which we might hit upon such as the number 153 fish in the net however.

QUESTION: The Tower of Babel. There are many things said about this?