QUESTION: I am searching for some kind of an interpretation of born of the water and of the spirit?
ANSWER: It seems that they were getting some kind of information that says this has something to do with baptism. This piece of scripture has nothing to do with baptism. In fact this is based on the conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus (John 3). You will remember that Nicodemus was a teacher in charge of a phase of theological instruction in Judea. He was an Israelite and having heard of the teaching of Jesus he wanted to interview Him.
Also being a wise man he came to see Jesus at night, and this wasn’t cowardice on his part, but instead he was using a little discretion because as a doctor of theology, if he had come in the day time and interviewed Jesus and had accepted His doctrine before others heard it there might have some imputing of his right to teach. So for that reason then Nicodemus came to see Jesus at night and one of the most important things he asked Jesus was concerning how a man could enter into or participate in the Kingdom of heaven.