QUESTION: I have a friend back in West Virginia who listens to your tapes all the time and I promised him I would ask any question for him that he would want asked, and he said: What position does Dr. Swift hold on the people of the Adamic race who do not receive Jesus Christ as their Saviour? What about murderers, adulterers, liars, drunkards who apparently do not give any thought to Jesus Christ? Does Dr. Swift believe that all the White Adamic Race will share the same position throughout eternity?
ANSWER: This question is as long as it is involved. I will say this to get into your question, the Adamic race, or the white race, is the offspring of THE MOST HIGH, they were spiritually begotten in the heavens before they were ever begotten in the earth. They brought nothing into the world but their beings. They possess a Celestial being as well as a physical one. The soul consciousness is resident in a physical body and is activated by the patterns of the senses.
The Activation of the consciousness which is the Celestial mind impacts upon the areas of the soul’s reasoning, and does to a certain degree restrain and effect or make the consciousness of an individual uncomfortable when his selections are not correct in relationship to Divine protection on the sense pattern. In other words, the only areas of temptation to a race such as yours is in the physical area because the only areas of transgression is physical. The soul consciousness draws all of its evaluations out of either the natural perceptions of the five senses or out of the areas of Celestial consciousness.