Why it is Impossible For Evil to Triumph

Why it is Impossible For Evil to Triumph

WITHOUT DOUBT, WE ARE LIVING IN A VERY UNIQUE PERIOD OF TIME. But a period of time which has brought another great wave of evil among the nations of God’s Kingdom. Evil is a rather unique word in itself. It comes largely in its old interpretation from a work called ray, or rah, in the use of Hebrew in the early languages. And the actual use is an emanation of wretchedness and of utter darkness to destroy emanation.

So evil was considered an emanation or an effulgence of darkness and a process to be loathed as some elusive evil force had beset men’s souls and minds. And the word evil itself has something that is repulsive for all people, because of what it stands for and what it represents. When we talk about ‘evil stalks the land’, it is that evil has emerged from something. Since evil is just not just sin, or the violation of law, it is the very atmosphere, or emanation, or the substance radiated in the darkness. It has to come from something. There has to be a source that radiates it. There has to be that which emanates it, and we discover that there are such a people. That there is a force in the world today emanating the darkness, seeking the radiations of destruction.