Why Evil Must Fail

Why Evil Must Fail

TONIGHT AS WE TURN TO OUR SUBJECT OF ‘WHY EVIL MUST FAIL,’ it is with the realization that we must turn our thinking upon the purposes of the Most High and upon the struggle for the earth. We discussed, in part, some of these things, this afternoon, and know we must base our subject on some of the things which you are beholding. For in relationship to the household of God, all things must be decided by this household of God. For their knowledge, their wisdom, and their greatness has been a by-product of his spirit, his life and his energy as he makes this known unto his people. As he sends a wave of understanding upon them, and as he directs them according to his purposes, there is no doubt that we are in a very evil time. I can see violations of divine law upon every hand.

And I can recognize that this is a great nation of God’s kingdom. And the nations of God’s kingdom are here because he purposed them to be here. And he guided and inspired the motivation of a people as their race increased upon the face of the earth. But God has a plan. And that plan is to take the earth away from all of the powers of darkness, all of the false religions and all of the evil strategies of Lucifer. This is God’s plan.