FOR THE BETTER PART of sixty-four of his eighty-five years this author has spent his time and money to discover the root causes for World War I and World War II and believes he has discovered them. The hour is late and time is growing short and the threat of World War III is a reality. This author’s efforts to place his knowledge at the disposal of Congress met with terrific resistance by those responsible for the predicament in which the U.S.A. now finds itself.
The gravity of this impending danger compels this author to call this possible disaster to the attention of Americans. This danger is a threat to everything they hold precious. The facts which follow will disclose the existence of the conspiracy which succeeded in railroading the USA into World War I and World War II. There is still time now to stop World War III before it starts — if the two hundred million grass-roots Americans will exert their influence on Congress.
The disclosures in this essay reveal how Congress dishonoured, degraded and disgraced the USA by condoning the bribery and blackmail responsible for the crisis which today threatens us. There never was any justification for Congress to make the USA the ally and accomplice of the six hundred thousand Zionist thieves and murderers illegally transplanted into Palestine who, on May 14, 1948, “proclaimed” their armed uprising the spurious so-called “State of Israel.”