(This is a cassette tape with an opening from Mr. Greer)
GREETINGS FELLOW CHRISTIAN AMERICANS, FROM THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST CHRISTIAN. We are seeking missionaries to the so called Lost Tribes of Israel. Remember Israel was to have a new name. Not Israel, not Jew. A new land from which they were never to leave. They were to be followers of Christ, Christian. Christ said: ‘My sheep will hear My voice and follow Me.’ Christ also said: ‘I have been sent only unto the Lost Sheep of Israel.’ Thus the sheep that will follow Christ are the Israelites of the Old Testament.
The Christian nations, the White nations of today and the Chief of which is America, under the great wings of the Eagle and the symbol of the Stone Kingdom, the Great Pyramid found on our national seal. The time is short in which to alert our nation, to the fact of the enemy within and of our Destiny under Christ when He returns. The tape library of the late Dr. Swift contains the truths America must hear and hear very soon. These tapes or cassettes are designed for any group that cares to meet and study God’s word. Also many of his sermons are available in printed form. This tape ministry is carried on by Lorraine Swift. Your tithe and offerings are the only means of support. Today we present the late Dr. Swift on the subject ‘When the Canaanites leave the house of God.’