WE TURN THIS AFTERNOON TO THE BOOK OF MATTHEW AND IN THE 13TH CHAPTER, WE FIND JESUS TALKING TO HIS DISCIPLES. And HE says, “Verily, I say unto you that prophets and righteous men have desired to see the things that you are seeing and to hear the things which you hear for they have not heard them. Then Christ went on explaining to them the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven. For through out all the areas of the Old Testament and through out all of the old patterns of the scripture, the prophets had portrayed everything that had transpired. They had not beheld it but they had portrayed it. They had not beheld the embodiment of God but they had prophesied that God would be embodied. We are to discover that every facet of the Old Testament, and in every area they were to talk about the things that were to come to pass. There was no area of the prophecies that was not foreseen by the prophets.
We have the claims that the prophets could not see the clear story, or the prophecy of God’s Grace, but this is a fallacy and operates out of a lack of knowledge. But the prophets with their own eyes did not behold these things. Nor had they visibly beheld the embodiment of God. The majesty by which God had embodied himself in the earth. He had been begotten in the earth as the prophets had declared. As Isaiah had declared: A virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Emmanuel.