What The Father Has Planted

What The Father Has Planted

WE TURN TO THE WORDS OF JESUS IN THE 15TH, CHAPTER OF THE BOOK OF MATTHEW, and we point out this factor which Jesus addressed His to: Verse 13; ‘Every plant which my heavenly Father hath not planted shall be rooted up.’ The actual translation is: Every plant that the heavenly Spirit has not planted shall be rooted up.

Now: Jesus was not talking to the people blindly he was simply stating an accurate fact. For he had already told the disciples concerning the magnitude, the purposes of God’s plan, and of the strength of His Kingdom. And He cited that every good seed that had been planted was planted by The Father, and He had told them of ‘tare’ time, and of the great Mysteries that were involved in ‘tare’ time. He had cited when talking about this that the field was the world, and His planting was the embodiment of God, and of the Eternal Father (FATHER). He explained to them how He had sown His seed into the world, and that they were the good seed, the children of the Kingdom. And He also tells of how the Angels, and Administering Spirits came to the Father and said: There are tares in the field; Behold! there are tares in the field. Then Jesus said: I did not plant this seed, for they are the children of the wicked one. They are the offspring, the progeny of Evil.