Was General George S. Patton Murdered?

Was General George S. Patton Murdered?

THE MAN: George S. Patton, Jr. is one of the most revered Generals in American history. Historians speculate that Patton could have won the war against Germany a year sooner. Of course, he would have had to step on a lot of toes to do such a thing –  but Ol’ Blood and Guts didn’t give a damn. Several times he was considered insubordinate to commanding officers, his soldiers, and generally used the “f-word” as though it were some kind of holy blessing.

Patton’s offensives in Africa, Sicily, and France earned him the love of the American people and the fear of the Nazis. Patton marched at the front of offensives, even in the decisive Battle of the Bulge, where he was on the front lines with his soldiers. In German war councils, only Patton was referred to by name, because of his ability to lead troops through overwhelming defences to victory. Concentration camp inmates, even those who spoke no English, learned and sang a ditty, “Georgie Patton gonna set me free” to the consternation of their Nazi captors.