IT WAS ONE OF THE MOST WELL-KNOWN “SECRETS” OF THE BRITISH OLIGARCHY, that the model for the British Empire was Venice. Benjamin Disraeli, the late-nineteenth-century prime minister of England, let the cat out of the bag in his novel Coningsby when he wrote, “The great object of Whig leaders in England from the first movement under Hampden to the last most successful one in 1688, was to establish in England a high aristocratic republic on the model of the Venetian–-William the Third told–––Whig leaders, ‘I will not be a doge.’— They brought in a new family on their own terms. George I was a doge; George II was a doge––George III tried not to be a doge–- He might try to get rid of the Whig Magnificoes, but he could not rid himself of the Venetian constitution.” The well-known secret of all the Whig insiders was that the Venetian takeover of England was a 200-year project beginning with the break of Henry VIII with Rome and concluding in 1714, with the accession to the throne of George I.
The Venetian Takeover of England A 200-year Project
The Venetian Takeover of England A 200-year Project