Truth – The Key to Victory

Truth – The Key to Victory

WE TURN TONIGHT TO OUR SUBJECT, THE KEY TO VICTORY. There can be no doubt tonight that one of the most important areas of your responsible contribution to the salvaging of God’s kingdom is the spreading of truth. There is no doubt that knowledge is the most essential area tonight for the overthrowing of the powers of darkness, and the defeating of the depth of their conspiracy. That is one of the reasons why, as we discuss tonight the areas of such knowledge, that it is important that we continually tie and continually expose by tying it to the scriptures, the areas of Satanic opposition. Your familiarity with the program of the kingdom is not in any way to eliminate its use, even though to you it might seem repetitious. Because across the nation there are millions and millions of people that are asleep. They know that there are problems, and they know that there are problems which affect your Christian civilization. But they do not know why they have troubles. They do not know what is the source of the great depth of the conspiracy.

Today we discover that there are whole areas of Government influence attempting to negate what was previously anti-Communist struggle between the powers of righteousness and the powers of darkness.