The Word That Christ Has Spoken

The Word That Christ Has Spoken

WHENEVER DANGEROUS TIMES OCCUR, the faint-hearted always argue that we should hold a summit meeting with Satan and find some compromise which will satisfy the forces of evil, so we can be in harmony with them, with­out any controversy. They ignore the fact that, in 6,000 years of recor­ded history, every compromise with evil has brought only more evil as its well-earned penalty. They try to dress up this compromise in garments of respectability, by claiming that it is “Christian’, and for this pur­pose they sometimes lift a portion of some Bible verse out of context; more often, they merely assert boldly that making peace is Christian–­even when it is the kind of “peace” they are getting in Hungary and Tibet. WHO SETS THE STANDARD OF WHAT IS CHRISTIAN? No-one but Jesus Christ, Himself, can do that.

Let’s see what He has said about it. In John 12: 47-48, He said, “And if any man hear MY WORDS, and believe not, I judge him not: He that rejecteth Me and receiveth not MY WORDS, hath one that judgeth him: THE WORD THAT I HAVE SPOKEN, THE same SHALL JUDGE HIM IN THE LAST DAY.” “I judge him not”—that is, not out of offended personal pride — but “THE WORD THAT I HAVE SPOKEN”—the eternal truths to which we must all measure up. And note that He says, “the word that I have spoken”—nobody else can overrule Him.