The Time of The End

The Time of The End

THIS AFTERNOON AS WE TURN TO OUR SUBJECT THIS AFTERNOON WE WANT TO POINT OUT THAT THE YEAR IS STARTING OFF WITH A VENGEANCE. As we mention some of these events and conditions, this afternoon we will discuss more of them this evening. We simply want to point out that we are in the sign of Libra and this is weighed in the balances and found wanting. The world order then is under measure, and all of the conditions that we have mentioned are starting off with tremendous activities.

The powers of darkness are launching their attack and they are seeking to gain control. And all of the left wing forces and all of the Communist patterns among the nations are all very active. At the same time the forces of righteousness are speaking out and they are gathering for the fray and their is no question of the fact that we will see a very eventful year a most upsetting year. It will be filled with much activity and much violence. And of course the patterns of war will hang over this year from one end to the other. But I want to point out several things that are most significant the attack on Beirut, and the coming attack which they now promise upon Egypt, led by Israeli, is not only fanning into flames the whole middle east. But the Lebanese are now throwing their armies on the borders. And they had not been at war with Israeli before. Because Israeli promised to respect the Lebanese borders, then attacked Lebanon without cause.