AS WE TURN TO OUR SUBJECT, we have in mind the questions from people as to this Kingdom of God, ‘Where do we go from here.’ As we watch the political situation in our nation, we can tell you this. That as far as the total score is concerned in this battle between the powers of darkness and God’s Kingdom, you will find that this will result in total victory. In some instances these things taking place are going to make the powers of darkness and the forces of evil have to assume the full responsibilities for what transpires. In this last great struggle between the powers of darkness and God’s Kingdom, all the forces of anti-Christ are at work.
All those who sell their souls for popularity with the World Order are at work. Even men in the pulpits have gone the way of the World Order and preached the gospel of the World Order instead of the Gospel of Jesus the Christ. They come out with many an interpretation of law that is contrary to our society. But remember, the people are the law. The people are the ones who determine what a society is under God. But in this last great struggle, if the World Order looses through elections, it will turn to your High Courts and try to hold their ill gotten gains. This, my friends, is blackmail. And even this process will fail when America has taken all she is to suffer.
Our scripture says, ‘I shall raise up wrath in My Household among My people. And there shall not be a Canaanite left in the House of God.’
What America needs, my friends, is the great free enterprise backed by our government currency which belongs to the people from a government institution which will surrender that currency for such purposes without using it for a leash around the necks of the people. We are not the servants of the United States government, for that government belongs to us. It is our horse pulling our wagon.