The Spirit of The Ever Living

The Spirit of The Ever Living

Dr. Greer speaking: ‘Tidings out of the north and out of the east shall upset the bear and she shall come out against Israel. (Daniel 11:44)

ON THE MAP YOU WILL NOTICE THAT NORTH OF RUSSIAN IS THE U.S. and east is Red China. The recognition of Red China by the U.S. could well be the signal that the time has come for the final show. Also remember, that Christ fulfilled all the ‘spring festivals’ in His first coming. And He comes as the Reaper in the ‘fall festival’. So we can look for His appearance in the ‘Fall’ of what ever year He comes. As America recognizes her enemies and gives aide to them as she turns her back on all here, fellow Israelites, and friends, then we are fast being stripped of what ever physical power we might have. Thus it can be truly said that we will fall on our knees as a nation to seek the help of our Heavenly Father.

So as I listen to these talks from the library of the late Dr. Swift, I am always thrilled to hear again the inspiring plan of our Father. To know that His plan is to have His offspring on the earth for a nuclei of the world of tomorrow. Today’s talk, “The Spirit of the Everlasting” is one of the most inspiring you will ever hear.