AS WE TURN TONIGHT TO LOOK AT THE YEAR AHEAD, there have never been so many factors involved, so many measures. In fact, as we have been making calculations and looking at the measures, we realize that this was one of the hardest years because of the size and the numbers and the factors to be measured which relates to this year. There are a lot of things of deep importance. And I think it is important that we understand that the scriptures identify you as the children of light, not the children of darkness.
You are not to be taken unawares about the things taking place upon the face of the earth, unless you are out of adjustment with the patterns of revelation and the areas of wisdom. You have been told that the LORD does nothing unless HE reveals it unto HIS ministers and HIS prophets. HE has set up the pattern of knowledge and understanding so that we might be guided, and we might be prepared for the things which are coming to pass. We have been told several things concerning the processes of God and the pattern which HE uses. And one of those things is the direct word of prophecy by declaring the things which shall come to pass and by revealing it unto the prophets and holy men moved by the spirit recorded these things.
Thus, we have in the Bible, the sure word of prophecy. We have the continuing guidance and intuition that God gives to HIS household to whom HE has given the gift of prophecy and the gift of this particular type of intuition which is very vital to understanding. We are told, in the writings of Peter, something that is rather significant. And we call your attention to that in the first chapter of II Peter 19th verse. It says we have also a more sure word of prophecy. “Where unto you would do well to take heed as unto a Light that shines in a dark place until the day dawns and the day star arises in your heart.”