The Power of The Eternal Priesthood

The Power of The Eternal Priesthood

WE ARE TURNING THIS AFTERNOON IN OUR DISCUSSIONS OF THE POWER OF THE ETERNAL PRIESTHOOD, and the responsible relationship you have with God which belongs alone to your race, belongs to the offspring of the MOST HIGH. When we talk about this Priesthood, we want you to recognize that you are out of a race and are a part of a nation that makes up God’s Kingdom. That you are a part of a nation of Priests and Kings in the process of development of a full understanding of the responsibilities of those high orders.

If you would turn to the book of Revelation, you would note in the 6th chapter of Revelation, that one of the great declarations concerning you and the people of God’s household, generally is that the earth and those on it, all of those who enter in it, are singing a song of praise unto the Incarnate revelation of the man Christ Jesus as the High Priest of our race. Saying, ‘Thou are worthy to take the book, thou art worthy to break the seal, thou wast slain and has redeemed us unto God by thy blood OUT OF EVERY KINDRED AND TONGUE AND PEOPLE, AND NATION. And thou hast made us unto our God, Kings and Priests, and WE SHALL REIGN ON EARTH.’

The declaration in translation is not as clear as it might be. But it is that He has taken us out of the kindred, and that word is relatives. The word used here for kindred means, out of all of the relatives, the families, and wherever in earth that this kindred is found, the people of God, to restore them to what they possess, is assured. The great climactic time here in Revelation is that HE (Jesus the Christ), has made us unto our God, Kings and Priests. And the administration of such priesthood and such kingship is not far off removed in distance and space, but is going to take place here in the earth. For we have been made a nation of Kings and Priests and we shall reign upon the earth.