The People Who Found Grace in The Wilderness

The People Who Found Grace in The Wilderness

AFTER BESTOWING HIS LAW UPON THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL, by giving the Law to Moses, then God said: My Grace and My Mercy shall follow you still. He can understand the procedure of temptation, and the patterns of repentance which he established by the Holy Spirit concerning the patterns of Law, but there was one law of course where His Grace and His Mercy could fall upon the offender, but He said: the judgments would pass to the third and fourth or fifth generation, and so forth. What was this? We discover it is established very, very clearly as the scattering of your seed in another race, or the co‑mingling with another race. For in this area of mongrelisation the child being born, lacking the spirit capacity, because the passing of Light by the children of Spirit would not be there.

Now: we want to point to you that God says: My Grace shall follow you still. He talks about how His Grace was following Israel, how Israel found Grace in the wilderness. And how Moses called upon God to let him see HIS face. And God makes this declaration unto Moses: ‘I will do this thing’, ‘I will make My goodness to pass upon you’, ‘I will proclaim the name of YAHWEH before thee’, ‘And I will be gracious unto them to whom I will be gracious, and I shall show My Mercy unto them, who I choose to show Mercy.’ And then God speaks unto to Moses concerning Israel and says: ‘My Mercy shall follow thee still.’ But, by the same token the process of mongrelisation and integration brought a judgment upon society which could not be straightened out, and therefore one of the things God brought out through the Priesthood was that they should send away the offenders, they should send away the outlandish woman and the child, or if a woman married outside of Israel she was to send the Outlanders away, or judgment of God would fall upon them.