The Mountain of God

The Mountain of God

AS WE READ THE BOOK OF MICAH WE COME UNTO THE MOST UNIQUE PASSAGE IN CHAPTER FOUR. “In the last days it shall come to pass, the mountain (nation) of the house of the Lord shall be established in the top of the mountains and it shall be exalted above the hills; and the people shall flow into it.” What are we talking about? The mountain of the house of God shall be established in the highest of the mountains upon the face of the earth? We have come through about 7400 years of the transplanting of God’s household from heaven to earth.

The household of God existed in the heavens through out the ages of the past. Yet the vastness of the sidereal systems and the immensity of the creations has held us in awe as we recognize the limitless expanse of all that HE hath wrought, but we, as his children existed with HIM in the dimensions of Spirit. We walked with HIM, and we rejoiced when he produced a new creation. When the morning stars sang together, the Archangels were there and the sons and daughters of God shouted for joy as he brought forth new creations after new creations.

In the course of development of such time, he brought forth the heavens and the earth. And in the development of the heavens and the earth, a whole panorama of vast history has taken place both in the heavens and in the earth. The rebellion of Lucifer occurred, and the throwing out of Lucifer and his hosts from the realm of the upper heavens occurred. The establishing of God’s Kingdom in earth, and the bringing forth of this Kingdom out of one mans family occurred. Thus it is that HE produced Adam in his own image, and then separated Eve from Adam so that Adam might have a helpmate, and HE started HIS Kingdom from HIS household in the midst of the earth.