A FEW YEARS AGO, I wandered into the mid-week prayer meeting at Stowmarket Baptist Church. The minister, a certain Mr Lacey, addressed his small flock on Isaiah chapter 2, applying a modernist interpretation to the text and misleading his congregation. When he finished I asked if the meeting was open to the public and was told that it was. I pointed out that there was no reason why we shouldn’t take the text literally to mean exactly what it says. He interrupted saying that is what he used to believe. I then went on to speak about the Jews, stating a few well established facts before I could proceed very far there were shouts of “Racist” from the congregation and I was stopped by the minister and hustled and bustled out of the church. Afterwards, I thought to myself that if the Lord Jesus Christ, the object of all their prayers and devotions had stood up in their church and uttered the same words He spoke about the Jews 2,000 years ago they would all have shouted out against Him and thrown Him out of their church. It also confirmed what I already knew. If an honest man stood up in the pulpit of ANY church in this land and uttered a few home truths he would soon be shouted down and ejected by the marionette minister and his implanted and brainwashed congregation. As the Old Book says:
“Preach unto us smooth things, preach unto us deceits”. Isaiah 30:10. Most of the British have now been so programmed and brainwashed they couldn’t recognize the truth if it hit them in the head. But when the Antichrist arises with possible holograms in the sky and telepathic messages channelled straight into their brains and every kind of lying wonder they will flock to him in droves. They will believe and accept him. The British are more interested in the pursuit of pleasure than truth.