The History of The Church and Israel

The History of The Church and Israel

AS WE TURN THIS AFTERNOON INTO OUR DISCUSSIONS OF ISRAEL AND THE CHURCH, it is very important for us to recognize that in all of the areas of activities that take place today in this great Christian nation, there is nothing as disturbing to the enemies of Christian civilization and God’s kingdom than the spread of knowledge and truth. It is this spread of knowledge and truth that sets men free from the superstition and fear that they hold. But it also causes them to understand their responsibilities before God and before their nation. It causes them to recognize that they must become dedicated for the carrying out of this which they yearn for, ‘Thy kingdom come, thy will be done in the earth as it is in heaven.’ This is also with the realization that this is Biblical and also prophetic. It is the triumphant success of the kingdom of God in the earth and is assured with omnipotent power as well as Omniscience of knowledge that every knee shall bow and every tongue shall proclaim the recognition of the Deity of Christ and of His kingdom as it takes over with power in the earth. And each and every one of you are going to participate in it. For in the ages past, there has been every attempt and design to distress the kingdom and every avenue unto it.

Today there is nothing the enemies of evil are more afraid of than the spread of truth. If they can stop truth and keep people in ignorance, if they can continue to propagandise them, and to consummate their strategies and in the takeover every Christian society in the world for their Babylonian substitution today of World Government.