The Greatest Multi-Century Criminal Conspiracy

The Greatest Multi-Century Criminal Conspiracy

The Legacy of Adam Schiff, the Corruption of Ukraine and Those Who Control the Country with Fake News
By Shoshoni

THE MOST IMPORTANT REALIZATION THAT THE PEOPLE OF AMERICA MUST HAVE AT THIS MOMENT IN HISTORY IS THAT THERE IS A TROJAN HORSE FULL OF CON ARTISTS, who are calling themselves Jews, but who are actually fake Jews who are in the process of destroying our country. They have used their status to pervert the Jewish religion by touting the Talmud, instead of the Torah, as their holy book.

They are the most dangerous and evil group of “imposters” that the world has ever known and they are now in the process of trying to overthrow the United States just like they overthrew Russia and turned it into a communist state over a century ago. This [Khazarian] mafia, which started its vendetta against the entire planet many centuries ago, considers its homeland to be around the Black Sea, the Volga River and the Caucacus Mountains which is the modern-day country of Ukraine and its surrounding areas.

These imposter Jews are from the ancient empire of Khazaria. Today their bloodlines control the entire planet and their family names are Rothschild, Schiff, Soros and others. The only way to understand the motivations and the methods of this cabal that threatens our country from within is to understand the history of the key players, who we have been watching, while they do everything in their power to destroy our country and our people on a daily basis.