The Great Tribulation

The Great Tribulation

AS WE SPEAK TO YOU ABOUT THIS SUBJECT ‘THE GREAT TRIBULATION’ we would point out to you a great many things which are significant as to this Tribulation. And also the fallacies that concern this declaration of such a period of time.

The first thing that touches on this great tribulation as concerning the thoughts of the Christ come out of the book of Matthew. And it tells us that false prophets would start arising on the face of the earth. And then we would hear of wars and rumours of wars. But the end was not as of yet. For nations would rise against nations, and then kingdom against kingdom. And there would be famine and pestilence and earthquakes in many places. In the last 80 years, we see that we have had a tremendous swelling of the number of earthquakes around the world. And in the last two years, then every month brings an earthquake somewhere in the world. (Compare this with today 1997 and see what you find.) We have also had a great earthquake in the past week in the areas of Albania, Yugoslavia and into Turkey. Then from South America to areas of Alaska. We had the great earthquake in 1906 in San Francisco which perhaps signalled the pattern for the latter days. But the pattern was that the end was not as of yet.

So we are told in the book of Matthew, that false prophets would arise, and many would be deceived. And there is no question, that inside of the church itself we have had the great apostasy which has taken place. And of course, we can well identify the scoffers and leaders of this apostasy as identified by Christ, as being the very sons and daughters of Lucifer who were seeking to destroy HIS church.