The Greatness of Our Heritage

The Greatness of Our Heritage

AS WE TURN IN OUR THINKING TO THIS SUBJECT, WE HAVE NOTICED A TREND IN MUCH OF ORGANISED RELIGION which requires that you and I renounce it. Often I hear the words ‘why is it that so many of the churches go along with Communism, Socialism and its friends. Why are they against other religious activities? Why are they against the national Council of Churches? Why can’t they deplore all other judgments?

I want to point out to you this afternoon, that there are certain operations taking place in America in the name of religion that all true Christians must renounce. In these areas we have some most significant developments. There is a trend today upon the part of left-wingism and of liberalism upon the part of those who deny the part of deity and all of the things which God has unveiled, to play down everything which relates to God, or Christ, and to take away the responsibility and respect that belongs to the Eternal God. And they seek to belittle all of these operations.

Not so long ago, the Unitarians were trying to prove that Christ should be understood in modern manifestation of what HE would be like here today. So they presented a picture of the Christ seated in a bar, smoking a cigarette, and having a cocktail with those who were there, saying HE was a wine-bibber in HIS time, associating with the publicans, and this is the way HE would be today. And in this character that they rated HIM, they sought to downgrade Christ and to belittle the patterns of HIS deity and HIS nature.