The Gospel For Our Day

The Gospel For Our Day

TODAY WE ARE TALKING ON A SUBJECT ENTITLED THE GOSPEL FOR TODAY. There is no question about the fact that you hear much about the Gospel, about the preaching of the Gospel and the acceptance of the Gospel. But there are a lot of gospels. I think it is most important that we recognize that God has a Gospel for today. And it is important that we understand what that Gospel consists of.

I would turn to the first chapter of Hebrews for a moment where it tells us that God in Sundry times and in divers manners, spake in times past through the prophets and has in these last days spoken unto us by HIS own embodiment, whom HE has appointed as heir of all things. And this is HIS revelation by whom the very creations, worlds and cosmic orders were made. And that this personage was the brightness of HIS Glory and the express image of HIS spiritual or Celestial person, upholding all things by the Word of HIS power, and is speaking of this embodied Christ seated in the seat of authority in the heavens.

Now, I point out this to you, that God knew in Sundry times and divers manners, and spoke in times past unto the fathers by the prophets. When we talk about the Gospel, this word ‘gospel’ is Good News. But it is also ‘good news’ from God unto HIS Family, and to the dwellers of earth. It is the Good News out of the plain of spirit to earth. That is what the word Gospel means. When we talk about the Gospel according to the words of Jesus Christ, then you will also note in Mark 1:1, that it refers there to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which HE received out of the spirit and brought to earth by HIS coming. So the Gospel is the Good News. The Gospel is the plan. The Gospel is the purpose.