TONIGHT WE TALK TO YOU OF THE COVENANT RACE, AS TO THE ORIGIN OF RACES, and as to the antiquity as to how long man has been upon the earth, and the work in South Africa in 1961 and 1962 showing that there were intelligent men with weapons and ceramics on the earth a million and one half years ago. The mighty works of Dr. Ivor Lissner of 600,000 years of the tracings of archaeology and biological studies of the Torougs or the Asiatics, the work of Dr. Coons and other outstanding anthropologists, shows 73,000 years ago, that there were Negroes in Africa. In the caves of Kilaminjaro are the fossil remains and the evidence of bones and of campfires of Negroes who were buried in the caves of Kilaminjaro.
We are laying this foundation again for your thinking as to the antiquity of man, but also to the Adamic race, the Caucasians, as the man identified by anthropologists as they compared the skulls now identified as the White man. We cannot trace him back beyond 7400 years ago. We co not find his impact upon nations or races. For Sumerian dynasties or the Torougs existed over the world thousands and thousands of years ago. In the British Museum today, we have the tablets and the plates of the ancient Sumerians.
The Princeton University press reluctantly had to give the king line of 243,000 years. And the sidereal calculators had to confirm the developing events they describe as they timed their lives, and their kingdoms and their dynasties with the movement in the heavens which they could see, of the Celestial wanderers of the planets, or the eclipse of the sun or the moon, sidereal calculations from our greatest observatories, measuring back the astronomical date line to prove the antiquity of these kingdoms.