SO OFTEN WE HEAR SOMEONE MAKE THE FOOLISH STATEMENT that “Modern science has disproved the Bible — or some part of it.” Nothing can be further from the truth. There is no conflict between a correct translation of the Bible and that which is true science. Remember that many theories have been put forth as “science”—and have been believed by many —only to be proven false by more careful study, a few years later. I will admit that there is great conflict between what many ministers preach and what we know to be true science: but there is an even greater conflict between what these preachers say and what is really in the Bible.
The Bible has its own purpose, and it sticks to that purpose. (It does not purport to be a manual of instructions for the use and repair of an IBM computer, nor a textbook from which to teach schoolboys their mathematics. Its purpose is so much greater than any of these, that it has no time to waste on them.) Aside from the various laws governing Agriculture, diet, economics, etc.—about which I will speak some other time — the Bible’s principle purpose in going into scientific matters is to prove the divine inspiration of the Book by stating scientific matters which were not known by the best scientists of the day in which it was written, and which therefore could not be a display of merely human wisdom and knowledge. Let us look at some examples of science in the Bible.