THE E.E.C. OR EUROPEAN UNION HAS ITS OWN FLAG; twelve golden stars upon a blue background. It is frequently to be seen nowadays flying from town halls and public buildings. This same flag appears as the logo on all properties and projects which receive European funding, even on Protestant church properties which have taken aid from Europe.
The prevailing religious ethos of the European Union is Roman Catholic; reflecting the vast numerical majority of Roman Catholics within the borders of its member states, such as Italy, Spain, France and Portugal. Students of Bible Prophecy know that the aim of the European Union is to destroy the national sovereignty of the member states including Great Britain and submerge them in a United States of Europe, as the first step in fulfilling the centuries old conspiracy to create a one-world government, economy and religion.
Bearing all this in mind we find the following interesting information regarding the design of the flag or banner of the European Union.