Study Tape 2 Based Wesley Swift Information BY Ella Rose Mast

Study Tape 2 Based Wesley Swift Information BY Ella Rose Mast

Various Questions And Answers
TAPE NO. 002 By: Ella Rose Mast

1. Finish the abomination of the Desolator
2. Choice or free will
3. Ruth the Moabite
4. The wife of Moses
5. Matthew 16:18
6. The Ark of the Covenant
7. The beginning of the story of Enoch’s trip into the heavens.

(Finish the Abomination of the Desolator – From Tape 1)
DANIEL 7:27; THIS IS THE VERSE THAT THOSE WHO PREACH THE RAPTURE THEORY such as Hal Linsey used for their seven years of tribulation, but they are taking this prophecy, this verse out of context. This was the time of the crucifixion and that prophecy then was all completed in 70 A.D. Most of Daniel’s prophecies have been fulfilled, only that which is for this climax of the battle of Armageddon when Michael the Great Prince stands for Daniel’s people like he did in the beginning (Daniel 12:1). And that beginning was for us in the heavens at the time when Lucifer rebelled–-and we were there, and we watched in amazement.