Standards of Israel

Standards of Israel

THE MARCHING STANDARDS OF ISRAEL AND THE GREAT NATIONS OF GOD’S KINGDOM, where they are, who they are, and how they are known but a subject of this proportion cannot be handled completely in one message. There are many things that we would have you know, and we will cover as much ground as we can. There are certain things that must be taken in their order. While many things which we will discuss may be known too many of you, the whole pattern of them should fit in one solid mosaic until you can see the great purpose which God has established among you as nations and you in this nation, as God’s great instrument for this hour.

We have mentioned in previous messages that the great White race started with Adam. The Scriptural account relates particularly to Seth and his descendants. It is written that Adam begat Seth “in his own free from error or violation of divine law, and selected by the Most High God to carry down the holy seed which He had thus planted. The descendants of Seth are described in the Scriptures, to the time of Noah. As you will recall, Noah begat three sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth. We are interested now in Shem, because it was his lineage and household that succeeded in retaining the spiritual heritage in keeping the blood line pure The Ham and Japheth lines in later generations became largely absorbed by integration with the ancient races. But the Shemetic strain retained almost perfect purity and, today, every White man you see on the face of the earth is a Shemite. There are a few who may be by-passed products of the crossing of the bridge of the races that took place in early migration; from the steppes of the upper Pamir Plateau, but today all the White men of earth are found in the nations of God’s Kingdom, all identified with nations that have emerged out of the line of His covenant.
