Right or Wrong

Right or Wrong

TURNING TO OUR SUBJECT TONIGHT OF THIS TITLE ‘RIGHT OR WRONG’ recognizing that this is a very vital issue in our time because there are many ways which these things are being said and expressed, we find today that if you stand for America and you love your nation, and if you stand for Christ and you love Christianity, and you are a White man and love your mother and father, and want your great-grandchildren to look like your children, that you are on the “extreme right.”

If you want to see the preservation of this great nation, of these United States, and do not want to see it absorbed or co-mingled with all of the areas of darkness and superstition, and taken into an area of world government in which the powers of darkness and the forces of evil can outmanoeuvre you and sap your strength and your greatness and your technology, and deprive you and enslave you, then you are on the EXTREME RIGHT. But if you believe today that a world can be improved by amalgamation, by combining 5/6 of the error with 1/6th of the truth, by subordinating great nations and Christian nations to the powers of darkness with everything from Buddhism to Hinduism, to the Witch doctor and Kenyetta’s Mau Mau, if you believe in that, then, my friends, you are a liberal. And we refer to these liberals if they identify with the Communist party as being EXTREME LEFT. Because this is about the apex of the catalyst of evil.