Proof That Yahshua is The Christ

Proof That Yahshua is The Christ

AS WE APPROACH THE ANNIVERSARY OF THE GREATEST DAY IN ALL HISTORY, the day of Yahshua’s resurrection, it would be well for us to give some thought and study to just what it is that we celebrate with such faith and joy. What is the foundation upon which our faith is built? What is the meaning of the tremendous events of that last week in Yahshua’s earthly life? What was accomplished thereby? For the answers, we must look to both the Old and New Testaments, for they are the parts of one book and each proves the authenticity of the other.

We know the Old Testament is truly the inspired word of Yahweh, because its greatest prophecies were fulfilled in the New Testament. We know the New Testament is also the inspired word of Yahweh. Its great events were those, which had been prophesied in the Old Testament.

Remembering this, let us review the scriptures dealing with Yahshua’s ministry and see just what He accomplished. I need not review the fall of Adam, causing the loss of our original position in Yahweh’s plan. This made necessary a Redeemer for Yahweh’s children, eventually to be known as Israel, this is familiar to all Christians. The Redeemer is one of the principle themes of the Bible. Most of it in the Old Testament is not generally understood because so much of it is stated in the form of symbols and ritual.