Other Dispensations

Other Dispensations

When we look up into the heavens on a starry night and ponder where these heavens end and if they end what is beyond the end, taking into consideration that the earth is but a ball of matter in space revolving around the sun: when we consider time and the beginning of time; if time began, what was before the beginning and what happens after the end; we realize that we are dealing with imponderables.

The earth, the stars and matter generally are part of a created order, a created dimension. We are created living beings in a created order or dimension and are aware of the creation around us through our organs of special sense: sight, hearing,smell, taste, touch and a general awareness of our internal condition and external environment.

In order to understand his environment man has made many instruments to enable him to investigate more about creation;but these are all in the created dimension and he is still using his organs of special sense with the instruments he has made.