The New Testament = New Covenant

The New Testament = New Covenant

These young men had opened their discussion with me by asking me if I was a “New Testament” Christian. When I did not respond promptly enough, they began their presentation to me by taking me down the primrose path of the Roman Road. My first question to these sincere people was this: “What is the New Testament, anyway?” In any sales arena, once you get the prospect talking or asking questions, you are on your way to a sale. Having told me that they were graduating students, they were more than willing to answer my question. Further, since they had claimed that glorious status, it was up to them to explain the term. One of them told me that while the Old Testament dealt with the Jews and The Law, the New Testament was primarily for the Gentiles and operated under Christ’s Grace. He flatly stated that the New Testament Church was not to be concerned with The Old Law, which had been abandoned at The Cross, but was to emphasise Christ’s Grace.