THIS AFTERNOON WE TURN INTO II CHRONICLES, AND WE READ THIS WORD: “If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I WILL hear from heaven, and forgive their sins and heal their land. My people who are in trouble, and are called by my name, and if they realize that they are in trouble and they want to get their nation out of trouble, and want to be delivered, if they will humble themselves.
Oh, I know that you think, oh, we can work it out for ourselves, and militarily. So you want to do it all by yourself while the majority of the people in the world are against you. For you are only 1/6th of the worlds population. The Kingdom of God which is only one sixth of the world’s population is going to need a lot of help before it gets through. You are being disarmed while the enemy builds up its arms while he masses his troops and his people, and runs test wars against you.
Now if My people called by My name, Israel, issue ruling with God, if you will just humble yourself and pray, and seek my face—then turn from any of your wicked ways.
Now listen. HE says if you will do this, I will hear you from the heavens and I will forgive you and heal your land, and deliver my people.
HEAR this now: If my people will just humble themselves, and pray, come on Father we need help. Come on Father for we need you to avenge your land. And if you will do this then startling things will commence to happen.