King Arthur Facts

King Arthur Facts

A major source of historical information is in the Welsh Annals.  This information is set out in the form of brief notations of major events listed by the years. We get Year 1, then Year 2, then Year 3, and so on and on.  The problem is simply one of “when was year one”.  This has been dealt with in typical academic incompetence or more likely political deviousness deliberately designed to obscure and confuse.

A famous letter was sent from Britain to Gaul and the time of this Communication was crucial to setting the date of Year 1 of the Welsh Annals.  The letter was sent to Agitius according to Gildas, and to Aganypys or Aganipus in the Khumric Welsh Histories.  There is in fact only one candidate for the recipient of this letter, and it would be hard to mistake him.