The Reliques of the Elders Preserved in Irenaeus
Apostolic Fathers (Lightfoot)
I. Irenaeus Heresies, Preface to Bk. I.
According to what was said of such cases by one better than we are:
the precious stone, The emerald, accounted of much worth, Is shamed by artful mimicry in glass,
whenever he is not by, who hath power to prove it, and Detect the craft so cunningly devised.
Again, when alloy of brass Is mixed with silver, who that simple is Shall easily be able to assay?
The Greek is preserved in Epiphanius Haer. xxxi. 9 (ed. Dindorf, 1859-62, 11. p. 148).
II. IRENAEUS i. 13. 3.
As he that was better than we are affirmed of such persons, A daring and shameless thing is a soul heated with empty air.
The Greek from Epiphanius Haer. xxxiv.2 (Dindorf, II. p. 220).