Infanticide Incorrectly Called Abortion

Infanticide Incorrectly Called Abortion

ACCORDING TO WEBSTER’S DICTIONARY THE DEFINITION OF INFANTICIDE IS THE MURDER OF AN INFANT. Murder is the unlawful killing of a human being with premeditated malice [the intentional doing of a wrongful act without just cause of excuses]. The definition of abortion is, “The expulsion of the human foetus prematurely, particularly at any time before it is viable [capable of living on its own]; miscarriage.”

Today, infanticidist [One Who Murders an Infant, per Webster’s Dictionary], using a method called Dilation and Curettage, cutting the squirming and resisting baby’s body and placenta into pieces with a loop‑shaped steel knife and suck them into a jar. Because it is struggling and trying to escape it is apparent that even the baby knows that it is a human being and is trying to protect its’ life. From the jar the baby’s body pieces are reassembled on a table to verify that all the parts have been removed. This is a far cry from a miscarriage whereby the human body naturally expels the unborn infant.

We are presenting an argument that infanticide [incorrectly called abortion] is actually the murder of an unborn infant and is NOT a right of privacy due to the mother. It will also set forth the argument that the changing of the meanings of the words describing the positions taken by so‑called Pro‑Lifers and Pro‑Deathers are actually distorting what the issues really are. We will only address situations where there has not been a pregnancy caused by rape or incest, or situations where the mother’s life would be in danger if the baby’s life is not terminated. Approximately 95% to 98% of all unborn infanticide is for conveniences’ sake. Why is a foetus a person in the sense in which a baby is? Since no sane person would say that it is lawful to kill a baby, if it is shown that a foetus is in fact a baby, then killing a foetus would be tantamount to murder! Biblically it can be shown that foetuses in the womb struggled against each other as evidenced by Genesis 25:22.