YOU HAVE BEEN LISTENING THE PAST FEW DAYS to the Administration and the things they have been involved in. The plans that some in leadership have for our nation. The other day I listened to a discourse of a representative of the “New Frontier” and they said that we must recognise as we approached Independence Day, that the only way the individual will find freedom, or independence is with total interdependence of all men, one upon the other. Then I listened as he told us that our nation could only achieve a portion of greatness when we were willing by interdependence to become a part of the world at large as a fast political and social enterprise, and sacrifice our selfishness, and our desire to be separate, and to retain our great wealth as our achievement.
Thus by guaranteeing to all, freedom to all because the appreciation of all would bring an end to strife. Then I listened as the words came out of our chief administrator in which he said that the way to Independence is found through Interdependence.