Hour of Peril and God’s Deliverance

Hour of Peril and God’s Deliverance

WITH THIS SUBJECT we are turning to the discussion of the situations that relate to your security, to the conditions of peril that sweeps the world, and which also moves in this great Christian nation of yours, for perilous time have come. But there is an assurance of deliverance and even with the coming of these situations there is also evidence of demonstrations of mighty Spiritual force and power to be made manifest among those who constitute God’s household. If you think for one moment as we talk about dire perils for this time, that it is not biblical you will discover in the Book of Timothy these words which are important and we need to see the significance of these words: (II Tim:3)

“Know also that in the last days, perilous times shall come.” This is one of the statements that the Apostle Paul writes to the young preacher, and he tells him that in the last days there will be people who will be lovers of themselves, who will be covetous, boasters, pious, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful and unholy. Since they do not have natural affection, they will be truce breakers, false accusers, they will be traitors and despisers of those who do good. Also they will have a form of Godliness, but denying the power there of and from such turn away.