God’s Secret Weapons

God’s Secret Weapons

WE HAVE ALWAYS BEEN IMMENSELY INTERESTED IN THE VIBRATORY FORCES OF THE UNIVERSE. We see in this picture the great vibrations and the releases of energy setting in motion, forces which have been developed through out the centuries and they come to an apex of their vibratory levels in their time. The powers of darkness have their greatest momentum at this time, for their vision is the vision of darkness, their desire is the conquest of Christian nation and the ruling of the earth. This desire upon the part of the Anti‑Christian nations and the non white races of the world is not something new — because the Scriptures foretold that this would come to pass. The reason why the Scriptures tell that these things shall come to pass is because the prophets — who were your Kinsmen — were energized by the Spirit of the Eternal God who energized the Spirit in them which he had begotten.

To understand the mysteries of prophecy you have to understand the fact that you happen to belong to the only race on the face of the earth whose spirit is essence of God’s Spirit and was begotten by him in the heavens before you ever came to earth. Having been begotten by the Spirit — ye were born from above. Having been begotten from Adam after the flesh you have been born into the earth, thus you are twice born children of the Most High. This is the secret of your advent into your position of people who can administer God’s Kingdom. For without such spiritual birth there would be nothing to reactivate by the spirit. The whole worth of the message of Christianity as a great and vital religion and as a great and vital spiritual force is the story of the restoration of Spiritual vision, and spiritual understanding brought about by the quickening in your consciousness of those things known by the Father before the world was framed.