Foretold Destiny of America

Foretold Destiny of America

Greetings fellow Americans from the Church of Jesus Christ Christian in Kernville, California. One does not look far today to know that we are in trying times. The White Christian is being pushed from one place after another, as the White man and his Bible law leaves comes chaos and trouble and the so called freed nations come crying for food and all types of aide. The need today is for Christians of America to realize that 70% of the Bible is national, not personal. That the great White Christian nations are fulfilling every promise given to Israel. That the signs of trouble are all around us and that they are the signs prophesied for the ending of the age. God is not mocked, nor is He dead. Nor have His plans gone amiss. Man had done the very thing that God foresaw. So we must learn the hard way, by inflation, pollution, starvation, sickness, war. All these things are the result of refusing to follow the Divine laws of God. America must awaken to her heritage and her Destiny.