Excursions Through Ireland – Leinster – Vol 2

Excursions Through Ireland – Leinster – Vol 2

THE tourist who, in the preceding Excursion, accom­panied us to Howth, will doubtless prepare himself for numerous objects of equal interest, dispersed through the remaining environs of Dublin; and in this respect we fear not that he will experience disappointment. But, owing to the contrariety in the geographical posi­tions of the places mentioned in this Excursion, we have found it impossible to sketch such a route as the traveller would be easily enabled to follow from our description of them; and have therefore thought it best to arrange them in alphabetical order, at the same time giving their several distances and bearings from the capital. Upon which plan, we shall first notice:-

BALDOYLE, six miles and a half N. E., upon the Irish Sea. This is a pleasant little bathing-village, com­manding from its open beach a fine prospect of Howth and the adjacent islands. The air is keen, but pure and salubrious.

BALLYFERMOT, three miles and a half W. by S., is interesting only for its ruins of an ancient Castle.

BLACK Roca, four miles S. E. This is a large and handsome village, agreeably situated upon Dublin Bay, and which, with WILLIAMSTOWN and BOOTERSTOWN, villages uniting with it, may be said to form a town of considerable size. From the last-mentioned place, which lies in the approach from Dublin, the marine and coast view is eminently beautiful; embracing the general features of the bay, with the pier and harbour, Howth, and the islands beyond its sandy isthmus, a rich country finely studded with villas, and the promontory of the Black Rock, with the plantations contiguous, which slope down to the water’s edge. To see these places to the greatest advantage, the tourist should visit them either at bathing-times, or on a Sunday; when the bustle and hilarity of the crowds who proceed hither in their endless succession of cars[1] and other vehicles, exhibit a scene not to be paralleled in any of the outlets to the British metropolis.