Mr. Herbert Hoover had pushed for a U.S. Bank but the Jews would not consider that so they broke with him and brought on the depression and elected their man, Roosevelt.
Now; America has learned and they will never take another great depression. When they say we will have a great depression, then look and see who is withholding the money. Germany tried to come out from under the influence of the Jews as well as Great Britain helped bring them to defeat and thus another nation of God’s Israel will have to stand up. This nation will have to install a U.S. Bank and we will do that because that is God’s plan, we are his great nation and with violence will this great program of Mystery Babylon be cast down.
In the Book of Micah is says: The Kingdom of God shall be established in the highest and greatest nation. And the people of the world are going to flow into it. God promises victory for His Kingdom. He tells us not to listen to these false prophets who tell us how wonderful socialism and Communism are.