Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 65

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 65

Mystery Babylon The Great

IN THE BOOK OF REVELATION CHAPTER 17‑18 we read of this Great Mystery portrayed as ‘A woman on the back of a Red Beast.’ We realize this mystery power is at war with the kingdom of YAHWEH, all the nations of the Christian West, and our Faith. We are to understand that this is symbolic, is the same battle which from its beginning is between the children of Light and the children of Darkness. (Genesis 3:15). We are also to understand that this is symbolism, this Beast, is not a man, it is a system of power over political, economic, religions, social programs and so forth. It is in fact the program of Anti‑Christ, it is a way of life, a way of thinking, it is the structure of an Anti‑Christ society.