Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 29

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 29

The next Great Dragon Killer was Moses. And in the old books Moses is called the Serpent killer, the one who stepped upon the snakes. You then read that in the wilderness Moses lifted up a serpent, and the children of Israel were healed. In some translations Moses is said to have lifted up a broken serpent, or a brazen serpent, but actually Moses lifted up a symbol of what was effecting the Children of Israel, these speckled birds who had infiltrated among them and were leading them astray. As they realized the cause of their troubles the Israelites were healed.

In the old Zohar it tells us that this staff which Moses lifted up with the broken serpent on it was a Cross. And speaking of the coming of YAHSHUA, Messiah it said: ‘I shall be lifted up to destroy the way of the great serpent.’ In the Scripture as it talks about the children of Israel being bitten by a serpent, the old word was Serab, leading you back to the symbol of the fallen Angels who rebelled with Lucifer.

Once more it is the same old story all down through Israel’s History, as to the difference in the people who make up both kingdoms. How Lucifer in rebellion with his dragon and serpent people was always trying to set up their own symbol of the serpent, to counterfeit the symbols of the kingdom so as to fool YAHWEH’S children. But anytime you see the symbol of the Dragon Killer, one foot raised, this is the symbol of YAHWEH’S power through the kingdom people in earth. Since the symbol of the serpent as a symbol of wisdom both of good and evil in earth, then it was necessary for the Dragon Killers to play their mysterious part in the symbolism of our story so that you in understanding YAHWEH’S plan can identify the children of the Dragon and understand that Serpent seed is real, understand what Serpent seed really is, and why that symbolism is used.