Messiah (The Covenant People Story Continued)
AS WE TRACE THIS COVENANT PEOPLE, we come to this time when we read that a Saviour has been born. Why was this necessary, is the question sometimes asked?? Because these Covenant people here in the flesh, although they tried, and produced some great leaders, still our people could not walk and keep on the narrow path of the Old Covenant without stumbling and bringing on judgements. After all, part of the program was for each generation to receive an education here in the flesh. This physical envelope is the container for the spirit to enter the physical world. Thus our people enter the physical world by the breaking of the water in the birth process. But the spirit which entered this physical body was not a baby spirit. No. It was a full grown spirit. And this spirit consciousness was with the Father before the world was framed.
Thus here through this Immaculate conception Mystery, through this very envelope of birth came YAHWEH as YAHSHUA or Saviour, to His people who were already here in earth, in flesh bodies and to all those who would come later. He came as a tiny babe, of His own race into this physical earth. He came as you and I came, a tiny babe, the most helpless of all tiny creatures. He as YAHSHUA (spirit) would dwell in this body that Mary had produced for Him. And we are told that He came to ‘save’ His people from their sins’. (Matt. 1:21) Why did He chose this way to come? So that He could identify with you His family. (Hebrews 2:11) We are also told that the greatest of sins for His people would be for them to mix this. His race, His household, which carries the Holy Spirit seed, and capable of passing it on the offspring. Mixing with another race without that capacity, then the child does not receive the Holy spirit and is not of the race. This race was to remain pure since it is flesh of His flesh, and bone of His bone.
His people, under the Old covenant, were having such a time maintaining their status quo here in the flesh. And HE came also in the flesh, to be an example for them and to rescue them from their sins, which was simply the breaking of His laws. He thus, came spirit, soul, and body and could move into any dimension and could also HOLD THE WHOLE WORLD IN HIS HANDS. Thus making Him the ‘same yesterday, today and forever.’ This is, of course, some of the mystery of the Virgin Birth. Yet the body of the Man Christ Jesus was not actually a new body. For this was also the body He had before this world was framed. This body was thus synthesized again and brought forth in the Ovum. Thus the translation is The Immaculate conception. Thus this YAHSHUA, this tiny babe, was “Very God”. This had to be the case, for He was also the Lamb without spot or blemish. (I Peter 1:19)