Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 181

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 181

Bible Study Genesis Chapter 5.

Verse 1: THIS IS THE BOOK OF THE GENERATIONS OF Adam, In the day God created man in the likeness of God made he him.

Verse 2: Male and female created he them also, and blessed them and called their name Adam and Eve in the day that they were formed.

HERE WE FIND THAT THIS BIBLE THEN IS THE BOOK OF THE RACE OF ADAM. In the first four chapters of Genesis you have had the story of what you needed to know to understand this Bible. You have now had the two main opponents of this story, Lucifer as the old Serpent, the devil or Satan, and his family in their drive to stop the building in earth by this Adamic Race, the KINGDOM OF YAHWEH. We see how the Adamic family was picked up and set in place in the physical, cleansed and started on their path in their destiny. Always they would have to contend with Lucifer and his family and especially the children of the lineage of Cain. Thus you have here a listing of Cain’s posterity so that you would understand this.

The old books then pick up the story as the migration came out of that High area, and Chapter 5 is just an outline as to the lineage of Adam to bring you to Noah. Then on down to Abraham later, but remember these men also begat other children. Thus here were many more Adamites than those listed in the Bible.

Adam was the son of God (Luke 3:38) and although he fell and in the process he became totally physical, still he lived 930 years, but he was 130 years before everything was straightened out so that he became the father of a son whom he called Seth, and this son would inherit the spirit of YAHWEH AND BE ABLE TO PASS THAT SEED FORWARD THUS THE RACE COULD BE BUILT.

We do not have to much record of the other children of Adam and Eve who were born, except that there had to be others between Cain and Seth, because Seth would have to be after the seventh gestation so that the womb was cleansed. Then after Seth there were others and daughters as well, for Seth would marry a sister to start the race forward. This would be allowed to start the race and perhaps other brothers would do the same, but now the race would be started and soon there were many Adamites, and cousins would also marry.

In the old books Adam had many sons and daughters, and the race grew fast.

Verse 4: And all the day of Adam after he begat Seth were 800 years and he begat sons and daughters.